On Democracy
What is The Forum on Democracy?
The Forum on Democracy is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization founded by a group of individuals with government and academic backgrounds. We have been studying and discussing the state of America: "How did we come to this state of affairs?" and "Are there ways to right our ship-of-state?" One of our main concerns is the lack of communication between our leaders and those they lead. The Founders believed in the wisdom of the American people and in the idea that their voice must be heard and heeded by those in power. Today, that voice is not being heard.
Our nation’s founders looked to ancient Rome
The Roman Forum was a space where the governed could converse freely with those who govern, allowing for better government. These conversations continued for centuries until Caesar and the corrupting influence of unchecked power put an end to this sacred conversation and their civilization collapsed.
The “voice of the governed” guided our American fourth branch of government, the “citizen.” The Forum plans to create a “networked commons” that links, amplifies and empowers the voice of people thereby solving complex, deep problems.
What does the American Dream mean to you today?
The Forum on Democracy is launching a series of community conversations in the form of a contest to solicit ideas from citizens leading up to the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We invite you, as individuals and interested civic organizations, to take part and help stimulate thinking about who we are, where we are, how we got here and how we can move on as a nation and as a community. Each contest will pose a new question and will be announced in local newspapers, including as many communities and regions as possible over the next year.

Dupont Summit on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy
Friday, December 1, 2023
Historic Quaker Meeting House / Washington, DC